#1 Wedding Planning Agency in Seychelles
Helping international & Interfaith couples
to get married since 2019 *
Choose a wedding category

Looking for Paperwork?
Our court packages are specifically designed for interfaith, international, and expat couples. They include comprehensive documentation necessary for getting married in Seychelles.

Nikah & other Religious Ceremonies
Welcoming couples of all faiths! Religious weddings tailored to each couple’s needs. Our services include consulting, preparation, conversion, and document registrations.

Your Perfect Ceremonial Wedding
Crafted for couples seeking a seamless wedding experience in Seychelles. Our all-inclusive package covers everything you need and can be personalized to match your preferences.

Let Us Assist You
Are you marrying from diverse backgrounds or finding it challenging to organize your wedding ceremony? We understand, and we’re here to help.
Select a Wedding Category

Civil Marriages
Looking for Paperwork?
Our court packages are specifically designed for interfaith, international, and expat couples. They include comprehensive documentation necessary for getting married in Seychelles.

Ceremony Weddings
Your Perfect Ceremonial Wedding
Crafted for couples seeking a seamless wedding experience in Seychelles. Our all-inclusive package covers everything you need and can be personalized to match your preferences.

Religious Weddings
Nikah & other Religious Ceremonies
Welcoming couples of all faiths! Religious weddings tailored to each couple’s needs. Our services include consulting, preparation, conversion, and document registrations.

Pre-Wedding Questions
Let Us Assist You
Are you marrying from diverse backgrounds or finding it challenging to organize your wedding ceremony? We understand, and we’re here to help.
Solutions to fit every couple’s need
Court Marriage / from AED 4,950
Secure Legal protections
✓ -
Apostille or GCC Legalization
✓ -
Ceremony / From AED 6,000
Beach Ceremony
✓ -
Ceremony with Guests
✓ -
Memorable wedding
Since 2019 ✦
Wedding Planning and Post-Wedding Services
Our extended services