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How to Choose the Best Wedding Planner in Seychelles?


If you’re reading this, it means that you have decided to get married in Seychelles. A great choice, we must say. It also indicates that you’re also looking for wedding planners in Seychelles for your big day. Bear in mind that it’s imperative to find the balance between the high-quality services and their cost. Here are some of the most important things to consider while choosing a wedding planner.

Things to Consider While Choosing the Best Wedding Planner in Seychelles

All wedding planners are not the same, and you must choose the services that fill the following corners.

Legal Documentation and Requirement

First, you must ensure that the wedding planner you choose fulfills all the requirements. After all, it’ll be the biggest day of your life, and you don’t want any issue that pops out at the eleventh hour. Bear in mind that Seychelles-based wedding planners might not fully be aware of regulations in other countries such as UAE or any other. It can lead to such a situation where legalizing your wedding certificate becomes problematic.

For that matter, you need to choose a wedding planner that has experience dealing with your country’s regulations. The ideal case would be where the wedding planner is based in both Seychelles and your country to provide full after-wedding support.


Flexibility is one of the features that any wedding planner must offer. It allows you to get adjustable services according to the current situation, such as flight cancellations, COVID-19 effects, etcetera. In simple words, your wedding organizer must support you in organizing the wedding you dream of.

Understand Your Package and Contract

Different wedding planners offer different services, and you have to understand everything that they offer. You don’t need to sign your contract blindly. You also have to ensure that your contract with the planner remains private, with all the terms defined clearly. Understand what your contract includes and ensure that your wedding planner delivers accordingly.

Concluding the Best Wedding Planner in Seychelles

You have to make sure that you go through all the tips mentioned above to choose the best planner. In order to make sure that the best and the biggest day of your life goes exactly the way you dream of. Choose the right services, such as Easy Wedding Seychelles.

We hope this will help you to find the best wedding planner for your big day.

Please don’t hesitate to let us know about your experiences and thoughts in the comment section below.

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