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How to Get Married Cheap in Seychelles for GCC Residents: Dubai Vs Seychelles


A wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and you want to make it as lovely and memorable as possible. However, if you live in Dubai, things become a little more difficult. This is due to the fact that getting married in Dubai is not for the faint of heart. You can easily spend more than a million AED if you want to marry in the UAE. Even if you choose for a mid-range modest wedding, you would still need to budget over 200,000 AED. Furthermore, you may not be able to get the experience you had hoped for because of the global pandemic. So, if you’re on a tight budget, you’ve come to the correct spot. In this section, we’ll discuss how to get married cheap in Seychelles for GCC residents.

Usual Dubai Wedding Ceremony Price in 2021

According to estimates, if you wish to invite 10-50 people, you would require at least 20,000 to 100,000 AED for your reception alone.

  • The most a bride could anticipate paying for her bridal gown is AED 10,000, which does not include embroidery or frills.
  • The jeweler may easily cost up to AED 3,000.
  • These are some of the essential expenses that you will be unable to avoid. As a result, you’ll need to plan ahead of time.

Final Words on How to Get Married Cheap in Seychelles for GCC Residents: Dubai Vs Seychelles

If you want to save your money or you are just on a budget and can’t afford to get married in the UAE then we’ll recommend you opt for a destination wedding in Seychelles. You’ll just need to spend more or less 15,000 AED for your wedding.

Other expenses may add up to cost. However, there is a silver lining: Seychelles is one of the best and most beautiful places on earth to get married. You can cut the cost by adding your honeymoon to your wedding package as well. It is not only a faster and more efficient method, but it also provides fantasy settings that are not available in Dubai.

Let us know right away if you are looking for an affordable way to get married. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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