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How to get married cheap without traveling – How Can You Get Married if You Can’t Travel to Seychelles?


Seychelles is undoubtedly one of the best places to get married on earth. But the fact of the matter is that not all of the people can travel to Seychelles at the moment. That’s because of the global pandemic (COVID-19) that has restricted countless people to travel. If you are in such a position where you cannot travel to Seychelles but want to get married, you are in the right place. This article contains the most innovative way to get married (How to get married cheap without traveling) that doesn’t require any traveling. Keep on reading to learn how to get married online.

How to get married cheap without traveling?

If you’re not aware of getting married online then fasten your seat belts because it’s actually a thing now (thanks to COVID-19). Although it completely depends upon your current standings, your religions, etcetera.

Religious Weddings Online!

Some of the weddings in religious families are now happening online through Skype or Zoom. But you have to check it up with your country’s laws because in many countries they are not regarded as valid or legal. In simple words, a religious wedding online is more of a street ritual that doesn’t have any real and legal value if your country’s law doesn’t support it.

US Online Weddings

Because of the increasing cases of COVID-19, many states in the US have allowed their citizens to get married online. The couples will receive the real civil wedding certificate upon applying online for a web wedding ceremony. Moreover, the process also needs at least one witness.

Our Online Wedding Solution

Because of the increasing need for people to get married as they can’t go for it due to pandemic, we have come up with an online wedding solution. Regardless of your nationality and religion, you can opt for that if you can’t travel to Seychelles for your wedding. But the process is long, complex, and very expensive and it’s best for only those couples who don’t have any other way to marry.

Important considerations about How to get married cheap without traveling

You have to take the following into account while getting married online with us:

  • There will be no Zoom, web, or online wedding ceremony
  • The process has nothing to do with the religion so you cannot acquire any wedding certificate
  • The marriage registrar and lawyers will carry out the wedding process by checking with the couple’s embassies
  • The process will only start once they receive the status of no objection from the embassy
  • The online wedding process requires only the original passport
  • The wedding certificate that you will receive will be 100 percent legit and valid.

Share this information with your loved ones if they have no other way to get married.

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