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Is Seychelles the best option to Get Married for the UAE residents during COVID?


If you’re living in Dubai and looking forward to getting married, then you’re at the right place. The coronavirus just like other things has made it difficult even to get married in Dubai. That’s why we have come up with this article that contains some of the different methods that you can acquire to get married that you might not already know.

Choose Seychelles as Your Wedding Destination to Get Married During COVID-19

If you find it difficult to get married by staying in Dubai (which you most probably do) then opt for Seychelles to get married. It’s one of the best and easiest ways to get married especially for Dubai residents. Undoubtedly, you’ll need to spend five days of quarantine upon reaching Seychelles but you can even get married at that time. Although, there won’t be any wedding ceremony, just the paperwork. But you can opt for that if you don’t have enough time. Moreover, another good option is to plan your honeymoon along with your wedding package as well. Not only will it save you money, but it will allow you to spend an everlasting time with your partner.

Besides, you can still have your grand ceremony upon the complexion of quarantine if you choose to stay longer or you can fly back home any time without waiting for the quarantine to be over.

Travel to Georgia!

Of course, Georgia is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to get married. But if you want to opt for that, you’ll have to wait for a little time. It is expected that the Georgian borders will open in February 2021. They are currently closed because of the COVID-19. If you can wait and want to get married on a budget then consider waiting a little more.

Choose to Get Married in Dubai/UAE Court!

If you can spare several days from your job then your best bet is to get married in Dubai court. It is a long and costly procedure but you can complete all the requirements while continuing your daily routine.

Use the Power of Online Attorney!

If you can even spend even a little time to complete your paperwork then you should opt for an attorney to get married. It will cost you a pretty penny but our lawyers will do all the complicated work for your wedding.

Verdict on Getting Married in Dubai While COVID-19 is Still Out there!

Well, every darkest sky has a shining ray, but what we do during the storm matters. You must not feel overwhelmed due to the devastation of COVID-19 because we always make our way. And these are some of the best ones that you can choose to get married during COVID-19.

IF you know someone who is trying to find a suitable way to get married during COVID-19 while living in Dubai, then solve their problem by sharing this information with them.

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