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A comparison between two wedding destinations: Seychelles Vs Georgia


Seychelles is a tropical island that is located in East Africa. It is blessed with beautiful beaches, nice landscapes, and good weather. Rains which fall regularly throughout the year add some coolness to the atmosphere. Tourists can also visit mountain resorts within the territory. 

Although a rich African nation, Seychelles is quite expensive to live in. The visiting tourists need to be financially prepared to afford the hotel rooms and food. 

Expats in the GCC nations who wish to get married in a relaxed and accommodating atmosphere might consider Seychelles but Georgia is fast becoming a preferred option. In the course of this article, we will discuss why this is the case.

An overview of marriage in the Seychelles versus Georgia

There are certain reasons why Georgia might be a preferred option for weddings when compared to Seychelles. Below is a consideration of some of the reasons:

  1. Marriage Legislation: Georgia only requires passports, marriage application forms, and the presence of witnesses to have the marriage completed. Although the paperwork in Seychelles is also hassle-free, the expensive cost of things might make Georgia a better option.
  2. Cost: More travel time translates to more travel costs. So, the expats will have to pay more when moving to Seychelles for a destination wedding. Given the high cost of commodities in Seychelles, paying for a wedding setting might also cost more. 
  3. Destination: The distance between the Middle East and Georgia is about 1400 km while the distance from the Middle East to East Africa is about 3000 km. Traveling from any of the countries in the Middle East to Seychelles will mostly consume more time.

Seychelles Vs Georgia to get married easily

When it comes to getting married for expats from different nationalities and religions, both the Seychelles and Georgia offer easy wedding solutions. However; Georgia is definitely more affordable with fewer legal requirements, and greater proximity. The cost of living in Georgia is not overwhelming, so individuals can easily rent a hotel or an outdoor space.

The favorable Georgian climate might also be a reason why many will opt for the country. Nature is another prominent feature in Georgia. The mountains, lakes, and resorts offer a good outdoor space for weddings. Having considered these, we can conclude that Georgia offers prospective couples an excellent way to get married.

If you or a close friend is considering getting married in Seychelles or Georgia, you could book a guidance and counseling consultation with our wedding agency.

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