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Do you have to complete a catholic course in Dubai to get married in Seychelles church?


A stable family plays the role of a building block for any society and a strong marriage is important to make up a family. That’s why attending a pre-marriage course is important for all couples. This article will discuss what is a catholic course to get married in Dubai and how you can attend it. Let’s dive right in.

Pre-Marriage Preparation Course in Dubai

The catholic church recommends all the catholic couples attend the pre-marriage preparation course who want to get married in Dubai. It includes everything from the intent of the wedding date to living the whole life as a couple. Moreover, it helps the couples to have a real-life idea on how to make their sacramental marriage successful. It is also a requirement from the church for catholic Christians.

  • Most preferably the course should complete two months before the marriage.
  • It is a two days program that the couple will need to attend the catholic church in Dubai. It usually takes place on the third Thursday to Friday every month.
  • The couple on Thursday will need to report at the church from 6:00 am to 10:00 am and on Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
  • While the couple is registering for this course, they will be informed regarding their venue.
  • The couple who miss any of the days for this course will need to register again for the next course.
  • Once the course completes the catholic church issues a certificate with the names of the couple. It’s important to double-check the names on the registration list as they need to be the very same as on your documents.
  • Only the registered couple can attend the course.

In order to get married in the Seychelles’ church, the marriage preparation course is necessary. Moreover, you can combine your civil wedding to church wedding in Seychelles and for that as well the marriage preparation course is also mandatory.

Final Word on Pre-Marriage Preparation Course!

These are some of the most important information about the catholic church’s pre-marriage preparation course. On the other hand, you can combine your civil wedding in Seychelles with your church wedding. This is the best way to marry if you don’t want to undergo the preparation course. Not only does it save time, but it also helps you to keep yourself from all the hassle.

Inform your catholic friends about this information and recommend them to get married in Seychelles.

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